annisa carina


The Covid-19 pandemic has paralyzed developments in various sectors, the economy, education and social life of people in various parts of the world. In order to suppress the rate of spread, the government is aggressively implementing vaccination programs in various levels of society. In addition, the government is also committed to accelerating the vaccination program according to the target. To support this government program, researchers together with village midwives and cadre mothers held an outreach program on the importance of participating in the Covid-19 vaccination at RT 01 RW 08 Made Village, Lamongan District, Lamongan Regency. The objectives of this community service activity are (1) to disseminate information on the importance of administering the Covid-19 vaccine to assist government programs in suppressing the rate of the Covid-19 virus; (2) educating residents with the lecture method so that residents of RT 01 RW 08 Made Village, Lamongan District, Lamongan Regency can understand the dangers of Covid-19 and the importance of immunization against the Covid-19 vaccine; (3) provide services to residents of RT 01 RW 08 Made Village, Lamongan District, Lamongan Regency to take part in the Covid-19 vaccine immunization. Based on the socialization activity with the cadre and the village midwife, it was found that a number of residents of RT 01 RW 08 Made Village, Lamongan District, Lamongan Regency had a percentage of 94% and the rest were elderly with carrier diseases who were not allowed by health workers to carry out the Covid-19 vaccine because it could have a bad impact on the health of the community.

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