Analisis Branding Dalam Meningkatakan Ekonomi Kreatif Pariwisata Di Desa Bilis-Bilis Kecamatan Arjasa


  • Imran Syah universitas muhammadiyah lamongan, Indonesia
  • Fathorrahman Fathorrahman Universitas Wiraraja Sumenep, Indonesia
  • Moh Baqir Ainun Universitas Wiraraja Sumenep, Indonesia


Village tourism has great potential in improving the local creative economy. One important aspect in exploiting this potential is through tourism branding analysis. In the context of Bilis-Bilis Village, tourism branding analysis can help to identify the strengths and uniqueness of the village, create a strong brand image, and gain high tourist attraction. Analysis of tourism village branding is an important step in developing the tourism creative economy. This should be a comprehensive and sustainable effort to create a strong brand identity, attract tourists, and improve the economic well-being of villages and their local communities. This research aims to conduct branding analysis in the context of the Bilis-Bilis tourist village and how this branding can improve the creative economy of tourism in the village. The research method used is systematic observation to identify factors that influence branding and the creative economy in villages. This research also considers aspects such as culture, community economic activities, community creative economy. The results of this research can provide valuable insight into tourism development in the village of Bilis-Bilis and its relevance to the creative economy, which is important for maintaining local cultural values, involving local communities in the development of products and services, as well as ensuring tourism activities that are environmentally responsible and public.


Keywords: Tourism Branding, Creative Economy of Village Tourism




How to Cite

Syah, I., Fathorrahman, F., & Ainun, M. B. (2023). Analisis Branding Dalam Meningkatakan Ekonomi Kreatif Pariwisata Di Desa Bilis-Bilis Kecamatan Arjasa. Journal of Economics, Management, and Business Research, 4(1). Retrieved from




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