Suplementasi Probiotik dan Zinc untuk Malnutrisi

Perez Wahyu Purnasari


Many factors can lead to malnutrition, largely due to poor diet or the occurrence of recurrent and prolonged infections. Inadequate diet and infectious disease closely related to living habits, environmental conditions, and how individuals satisfy their basic needs such as food, housing, and health care. Although malnutrition is rarely the direct cause of death (except for extreme situations such as hunger), malnutrition in children was associated with 54% of childhood deaths (10.8 million children) in developing countries. Treatment of malnutrition in Indonesia still gives priority to providing supplementary nutrition (diet recovery) the amount of calories has been measured. The repair methods not provide optimal results because of a decrease in malnutrition in Indonesia has not met the target. The results showed that probiotics and zinc were associated with malnutrition.

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