
  • Dian Nur Faizah Universitas Muhammadiyah Lamongan
  • Uswatun Chasanah Universitas Muhammadiyah Lamongan
  • Asmaul Lutfi Marufah


Waves are vibrations that move energy from one place to another without being aware of what passes through them. The waves observed in this experiment are mechanical waves, namely standing waves on a rope. The purpose of this experiment is to determine the size of the wave length on the rope, the relationship between the speed of propagation and the tension in the rope, and the factors that affect the speed of waves on the rope. The tools and materials used in this experiment were a 220 Volt AC vibration source, ropes, weights, fixed pulleys, balances, and rulers. In this experiment, we use a frequency value of 11.61 Hz, a period of 0.08 seconds, and three weight variations of 0.02 kg, 0.024 kg and 0.05 kg respectively. After that, the value of the rope tension has also been obtained, each of which has changed, namely 0.2 kg.m/s2, 0.24 kg.m/s2, and 0.5 kg.m/s2. While the values of the speed of propagation are 0.0361 m/s, 0.0441 m/s, and 0.09 m/s. So, the experimental results show that the greater the mass of the load used in this experiment, the greater the wavelength. This causes the wave propagation speed and rope tension to increase. Thus, the speed of wave propagation is directly proportional to the tension in the rope. Then the size of the stationary wavelength on the rope (λ) is 0.53 m. In addition, from this experiment we can find out the factors that affect the speed of wave propagation on the rope, namely the rope tension (F) and the mass density of the rope (µ).


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