Author Guidelines

General Writing Instruction

  1. Article submitted to the editor classified as original research from community service and engagement activity
  2. The manuscripts submitted to the editor must be original manuscripts that are not being sent to other journals and have never been published in other scientific journals neither online or printed form.
  3. The manuscript must be written in good, clear, straightforward, and concise Indonesian or English. 
  4. The script should be typed using Microsoft Word program at A4 paper size. It's typed using Cambria font, 12 pt font size except for 14 pt for script title, 1.5 line spacing, and 3 of left, right, and 2 of up, and bottom margin paper. Article length can't be less than 7 and no more 12 pages. Every page should be given a page number. 
  5. Please refer to the Journal Template.

Manuscript Format

  • Title. The title should be written in Indonesian or English using Cambria font, 14 font size, bold, and using capital letters. The title should be written concisely, informative, and reflects the contents of the article. The number of words in the title can’t be less than 6 and no more than 20 words. You don’t need to write the location.
  • Authors & Affiliation. The author's name should be written in a complete sequence without a title. Each author's name is given a superscript number that indicates each author's affiliation. The correspondence author's name is given a superscript asterisk after the affiliate number. Each author's affiliation is listed under the full title and name of the author starting from the department, institution/ university, and country. The identity and address of the author of the correspondence are listed under the author’s affiliation.
  • Abstract. The abstract should be written in English and Indonesian, approximately 150-200 words, and contains the essence of the entire writing. The abstract includes background, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.
  • Introduction. The introduction explains the background of the activity in a concise manner, a brief review of the related literature, the formulation of actual and factual problems, the purpose of the activity, as well as the benefits of community service activities. The introduction should not be written in approximately 7 to 8 paragraphs.
  • Method. It contains activity methods carried out in community service. The method of activities should be explained in full. The equipment and materials used in the activity are listed. Method should be 3 or 5 paragraphs.
  • Result and Discussion. The results of the activities are explained specifically and concisely but also comprehensive. Results can be supplemented by tables, graphs, photographs, and images if needed. The table, graph, photograph, or image must be accompanied by a narrative text in the paragraph before it.
  • Conclusion and Suggestion. Briefly written in a separate chapter consisting of 1 or 2 short paragraphs. Suggestions are written in separate paragraphs with conclusions.
  • Acknowledgment. It contains gratitude to those who play an important role in the implementation of community service activities such as funding, grants, and so on.
  • Bibliography. It must use Mendeley, Zotero, or similar applications, using APA style. The reference list must contain at least 15 references, 80% from scientific journals, written in 12  font size, 1 space. Sorted alphabetically and left-right alignment, letterforms.