Pengaruh Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Nelayan Terhadap Kualitas Pendidikan Anak Di Desa Paciran Kecamatan Paciran Kabupaten Lamongan

Yulie Wahyuningsih, Mega Barokatul Fajri, Lilik Fauziah


Introduction: This study aims to explore the social and economic effects of society (education, environment, income and social culture) on the quality of children’s education in rural communities in Paciran. Method: This type of research is a quantitative study, while the method of dividing the data is by questionnaires. The population in this study is the village of Paciran RT 08 / RW 01. Background Problems: The problem raised in this study is how the influence of the Social Economy of the Community on the education of Paciran village children. Finding/Results:  From the results of the research conducted and the existing tests stated that F count > F table, then the Ho Test was accepted or in other words the Social Economy of Paciran village community influenced the children's education in Paciran village.

Keywords: Social Economy, Quality of Children's Education.

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