Praktik Green Marketing: Representasi Ajaran Islam
Introduction/Main Objectives: This research was conducted to look at the practice of green marketing and look for harmony with Islamic value. Background Problems: In this era, the issue of environmental conservation is widely heard in many areas, including in the business world. Green marketing is a concept that is promoted in relation to efforts to preserve nature, but in fact this teaching has been seen centuries ago in Islamic teachings. So this research was conducted to prove that green marketing is an embodiment of Islamic value. Research Methods: This research uses qualitative methods using a literature review or literature review research approach. Findings/Results: It is clearly illustrated that there is harmony between Islamic value and green marketing. Conclusion: Islam is known not to be against the concept of green marketing which seeks to move positively towards the preservation and sustainability of natural resources. In fact, green marketing can be said to be an embodiment of Islamic teachings, even though it does not have the words "Islam" or "Shariah" in its part. In fact, Islamic value which regulate human relationships with Allah, human relationships with humans and human relationships with nature are a big encouragement for the implementation of the green marketing concept in Muslim businesses.
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