Suyitno Suyitno


This study aims to determine the implementation of a computer-based management information system in hospital management on patient satisfaction at the PKU Karangasem Muhammadiyah Paciran Lamongan Health Center.

PKU Karangasem Muhammadiyah Paciran Lamongan health center has implemented a computer-based management information system in order to realize its vision and mission and to improve the quality of both services and facilities. The implementation of the SIM itself is applied to the management of existing data from incoming patients to outgoing patients. In the input sub-system as input data, all incoming data starts from the registration unit as the beginning of patient registration, both new patients and old patients. As a unit that carries out the function of registration or patient registration, the registration unit is responsible for the data collection process, which in this case is the data of patients who will seek treatment. While in the transformation sub-system, all incoming data, namely every transaction made by the patient is processed and processed through a computerized system which is then collected and stored in a database to be made a report as an output form to be submitted to the parties who need it.
In the application of a computer-based management information system, PKU Karangasem Muhammadiyah Paciran Health Center has been supported by components in the form of hardware and software, human resources, data, and procedures, all of which run continuously and support. To facilitate the application of SIM PKU Karangasem Muhammadiyah Paciran Health Center, it is also equipped with a LAN (Local Area Network) network with Microsoft Excel software and Microsoft Access with visual basic programs. With the LAN network, data that has entered the server will be more easily accessible for users who need it.
From the results of the study using a questionnaire on patients and officers of the PKU Karangasem Muhammadiyah Paciran Health Center, it is known that the influence of the relationship between the application of a computer-based management information system is low according to the results of the calculation with a product moment correlation of 0.277. This is because there are still many workers who have not been able to optimize computer-based management information systems so that it affects the service to their patients.

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