An Overview of First Aid Knowledge for Pesticide Poisoning in Farmer Groups in Sidomukti Village, Kepohbaru

Ayu Astutika Anggraini, Natasya Widya Rahma, Isni Lailatul Maghfiroh, Lilis Maghfuroh


First aid for pesticide poisoning in the community is still inaccurate. First aid for pesticide poisoning carried out properly can minimize and reduce the risk of death before getting medical help. The aim of the study was to determine the level of knowledge of farmer groups about first aid for pesticide poisoning. This research used descriptive design. The participants were 83 farmers who were obtained by consecutive sampling. This research was conducted in Sidomukti Village, Kepohbaru District, Bojonegoro Regency in February 2023. The data were collected through questionnaire on pesticide poisoning which contained knowledge about poisoning, use, and first aid. The results showed that most farmers’ knowledge about pesticide poisoning (65.1%) was in the good category with a score of 85.92. Most of the use of pesticides (45.8%) was in the poor category with a score of 53.58. Most of the first aid for pesticide poisoning (53%) was in the moderate category with a score 70.94. Based on the overall results, it was found that most of the knowledge about first aid (55.4%) with an average total score of 69.33 was sufficient. In conclusion, even though farmers’ knowledge is quite good, they still use inappropriate pesticides. If this happens, then the risk of pesticide poisoning will increase. Therefore, efforts are needed from various parties so that the attitude of farmers in using pesticides is better.

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