Preliminary Based on the results of preliminary studies that have been conducted at Miftahul Khaer Islamic Boarding School, the results are obtained (70%) or 14 out of 20 people have gastritis, (10%) or 2 other people do not know if they have gastritis, then (20%) or 4 other people do not having gastritis. Purpose to determine the effect of health education on student attitudes in the prevention of gastritis. Method This type of research is quantitative research with a Quasi-experimental research design. sampling technique using incidental sampling. The sample in this study were 140 respondents. The research instrument used a questionnaire. The results based on the Wilcoxon test showed a p-value of 0,000 <0.05, so it can be concluded that "H1 is accepted" which means there is an influence of health education on student attitudes in the prevention of gastritis. Conclusion Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that health education greatly influences changes in a person's attitude because of the counseling gained knowledge so that it can change one's mindset for the better.
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