Analisis Faktor-Faktor Penggunaan E-Commerce Bagi Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (Umkm) Bidang Kuliner di Kabupaten Lamongan
Introduction/Main Objectives: The goals of this research are 1. To determine the factors of using e-commerce for culinary MSMEs in Lamongan District; 2. To determine the influence of the factors of partial use of e-commerce for culinary MSMEs in Lamongan District; 3. To determine the influence of the factors of simultaneous use of e-commerce of culinary MSMEs in Lamongan District. Background Problems: E-Commerce can be interpreted as a trading or buying and selling model which in its implementation is through the internet. For MSMEs, e-commerce can act as a forum in cyberspace to display MSME products. Research Methods: This research was conducted on culinary MSMEs in Lamongan District. The chosen sample is using Simple Random Sampling techniques. The test of this research are validity test, reability test, normality test, linear regression and hypothesis test (T test and F test). Finding/Results: there is influence of e-commerce usage factors for e-commerce usage to culinary MSMEs in Lamongan District.
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