Consumer Satisfaction Based On Application Of Business Ethics (Study on Coolpad Smartphone Consumers in Arosbaya District on Bangkalan City)
This study was conducted on coolpad smartphone consumers in Arosbaya District with the number of samples in this study were 75 respondents. To test the relationship between the application of business ethics which includes honesty, fairness, and trust in coolpad smartphone consumer satisfaction in Arosbaya District using Regression Analysis with Windows version 16 of the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS). The results of this study are: Business Ethics Principles influence coolpad smartphone consumer satisfaction in arosbaya district. Based on the t-test, partially business ethics consisting of honesty, fairness, and trust affect coolpad smartphone consumer satisfaction in arosbaya district and honesty has a greater effect on coolpad smartphone consumer satisfaction in arosbaya district than honesty and trust.
Keywords: Business Ethics, Honesty, Justice, Trust, Customer SatisfactionReferensi
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