Hubungan Faktor Individu dan Faktor Manajemen pada Perawat terhadap Keterlambatan Pengembalian Berkas Rekam Medis di Rumah Sakit Intan Medika Lamongan

adinda rakhmawati, Muhamad Ganda Saputra, Nihayatul Munaa, Nahardian Vica Rahmawati, Okky Zubairi Abdillah


Patient medical records are an important aspect in the health services to improve the quality of hospital services. The purpose of medical record is to record facts related to the patient’s health by emphasizing events affecting patient’s health and to support the continuation of patient care in the future when needed. Besides, medical record is one of the standards which must be met by agencies or hospitals to get accreditation. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between individual factors and management factors in nurses on delays in returning medical record files for inpatients at Intan Medika Hospital of Lamongan. The research used quantitative analysis with 44 samples obtained by total sampling. This research was conducted in June 2023 and the data was collected through a closed questionnaire. Then, the data were analysed by using the Spearman rank test. The results of individual factor variables for late returns of medical records were p-value = 0.328 and for management factor variables for late returns was p-value = 0.148. It can be concluded that there is no relationship between individual factors and management factors in nurses towards delays in returning medical record files at Intan Medika Hospital. This happened because a routine evaluation has been carried out regarding the SOP for returning medical record files. The delay in returning the medical record file is related to the doctor in charge of services who have not signed the inpatient medical record files. It is hoped that this research can improve the accuracy of medical record files returns so that it can improve the quality of medical record services at Intan Medika Hospital.

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